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Mariana Pajón

By: Laura Ochoa Castro 10A


   Mariana Pajón Londoño was born on October 10 of 1991 in Medellín, Colombia. She is a cyclist, BMX World champion and Olympic gold medalist. Because of all her achievements at her short age, her nickname is “Queen of BMX”.


   Mariana is the winner of 14 World championships, 9 Latin American championships and 10 Pan American championships. She has demonstrated the entire world that she is more than just a good body and a pretty face, she is passionate for what she does and, obviously, she is very talented. She is a person, full of amiability, love and happiness. Her technique for winning is, not only training, but also dreaming. With effort, dedication and passion we can achieve all our goals, no matter how far we think they are.


   Our BMX champion is a woman that has power, she is not afraid of telling everyone who she is and how she is. Mariana is proud of being Colombian and, most importantly, she is proud of being a woman. A woman that, with some words, actions and a smile, can demonstrate the entire world that she is not only an excellent athlete, but also a kind person. Not matter what happens, Mariana will be always trying harder with a smile in her face, facing all the problems she has, not only during competition, but also in life.


   During this year she has been training very hard for the Olympic Games in Rio. Unfortunately, last week she fell down and hurt her arm. The doctors said she cannot participate in the next two competitions. However, she will be fine in less than a month and Mariana can continue training, competing and practicing because not only does she want a medal in the Olympics, but the whole country is rooting for her to get it as well.


   Even though winning is not always that easy, she continues there, training harder, dreaming bigger and putting all her heart in what she does every single day of her life.




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