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SFR’s Talent show ~ Interviewing participants

By: Gabriela Rincón Montaña10A


    Talking about woman empowerment why not mention our talent at school? We might fool ourselves into thinking we know really well all of our classmates and that some wouldn’t even dare perform on stage. To our surprise there were a great variety of talents on this show and by various I mean more than dancing, playing and instrument or singing. We even got the chance to see a beautiful air acrobatics performance.

As a mentioned before, you really don’t know absolutely everything from every single one of them. This is why we have interviewed Juliana Morales, from 8th, Juanita Mosquera and Natalia Hoyos from 10th and Marcela Lozano from 11th grade.

These were the questions they were asked


Juliana Morales (eigth grade):





Why did you sign up for the talent show?


JM: I signed up because I love to sing! I feel music has always been necessary in my life and in everybody else’s. When I am on stage I feel I can share my good feelings and wishes with the audience.






Juanita Mosquera & Natalia Hoyos (tenth grade):




What would you say to encourage younger girls to participate?


JM: I would tell them to believe in themselves for what is the most important aspect

to fulfill your dreams. Go and chase them. Believe that you can and you will be half

way there; believe you can sing and surely you will not despise the results.








What would you like to share with the scoop of your stage experience?


NH: At first I was really nervous. It was the first time I was singing and playing the piano at the same time for an audience. I was the one leading the melody so if I got it wrong everything would be a mess; however once we set foot on stage and I could see everyone expecting us to do well my shaky nerves faded away. I just let the music be and cherished the moment.





Marcela Lozano (eleventh grade):


Do you have tips to get over stage fright?


ML: Stage fright is a very natural feeling when it comes to performing. Not only because we happen to be shy when we are drawing all the attention, but also because it is not easy to show your true self to everybody else. However, having as a goal that you are going to do your best while singing and playing the guitar is, for me, the best way to overcome my nerves. This is how you will assure yourself that if you enjoy what you do people will love watching you.

Still I also believe in breathing exercises, drinking water, taking good care of your health, and trying to distract yourself from stress with exercise, a good book etc.


What do you think is the most important aspect any participant who aspires to win the talent show should have?


ML: The answer is definitely attitude. If you want to win you must show personality in order to achieve any goal in your life. Personality is a form of perseverance. You will only have the latter if you are really willing to face the challenges that knock at your door.



Here you will find excerpts from our amazing talent show. Enjoy!


Natalia Hoyos and Juanita Mosquera performing

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