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Berry Smoothie Recipe that Gives You Superpowers

By: Laura Briñez Camacho 10A

I know that you're busy and that lunch is the hardest meal to fit in during the day.Specially, when you have had some difficult subjects before and you have all the stress of everything you have to do.But this berry smoothie recipe will give you a nutrient packed meal that is fast and easy, so that you can continue with all your daily activities with full energy and power.
So here we go, it is a very easy and fast recipe and you can do it any time you want.
Berry Smoothie Recipe to Help You Survive the Rest of the Day
Total Time: 3 Minutes.
Serves: 1
Berry Smoothie Ingredients
  • 3/4 cup of full fat coconut milk
  • 1 cup of frozen mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries)*
  • 1 medium banana
  • 1 handful of fresh baby spinach
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 3 tablespoons of water
  • 4-5 ice cubes
*The berries were thawed and partially frozen. You can throw them in the microwave for around a minute if they are completely frozen.
Berry Smoothie Instructions
1. Throw the ice cubes, banana, cinnamon and coconut milk into the blender and mix until smooth.
2. Add the berries, spinach and water into the blender and mix again until your desired consistency... or smoothness.
3. Enjoy it!
It seems to me that this smoothie will suit you well and accompany your lunch just perfectly. If you have a Magic Bullet you can use one of the all-in-one containers that comes with it, and then put a lid on it to take  it with you to work.
This berry smoothie recipe will really "give you wings". The vitamins and minerals in the berries and spinach have energy-boosting effects. The cinnamon keeps your blood sugar in check and the full fat coconut milk will keep you full.
Another option I can give you, if you’re one of those people who know that they are terrible in the kitchen, is to go and check out one place here in Bogota called “Harvest”. Harvests "Experts drinks" was created in Costa Rica in 2008 to offer its customers natural drinks based on fruit and vegetables. This place, perfectly created formulas that not only delight the palate but also help preserve and improve the health of consumers. It offers all kinds of drinks either on water, yogurt or ice cream.

In this web page you can check the entire menu and the places where you can find them. It’s a very valued place, so I completely recommend it to you. I’m sure all of its drinks are going to give you superpowers.

By: Laura Briñez Camacho 10A


As I was lying on my bed one day, enjoying Easter, I realized how humdrum my room looked the way it was. Suddenly, I had the great idea to look up some ideas to change it a little bit, so it would look cooler and not that common. I found very interesting ideas that you can try on your own and that are going to look great in your room. Believe me, sometimes it may seem hard to do. But, you just have to enjoy it because the result is going to be spectacular and the good thing about it is that you don’t need to be talented, just the will to make it. Additionally, you don’t have to waste a bunch of materials, be ecological and have fun!  
DIY Cardboard Letters 
1. First gather together your materials: 
  • Corrugated cardboard or cardboard boxes for being ecological 
  • Masking tape 
  • Gummed tape 
  • Pencil 
  • Ruler 
  • Craft knife 
  • Cutting mat 
  • Watered down PVA glue 
  • Tissue paper 
  • Paint brush 
  • White emulsion 
  • Superhero print (the one you prefer) 
2. Draw the design for your letters to the required height and width. I used the Font Times New Roman as a guide. If you are worried about drawing these letters free hand you could quite easily print them off and use the printout as a guide.  
3. Next cut around all your letters with a craft knife, use a ruler and cutting mat for safety and accuracy. Keep the craft knife upright so that all your edges are 90 degrees. *Health and safety - always keep your hand behind the cutting blade! *  













4. Now draw out another set of letters using the first set as a template. cut them out as before, you now have two of each letter(8 in total):  
5. Next you need to cut the edge pieces for each letter, this part is a little time consuming. if you are sensible and do things systematically then you could measure all your edges and draw them out accurately before cutting them, I am not sensible so I did all my edges by rack of eye! 
6. Assemble your letters using masking tape the hold the pieces in place, if you are like me then this is where you realize you haven't done all your edges and you have to go back and make more.  
















7. Get your gummed tape and cut it down the middle, then into lots of small pieces about 2-3 inches long. 
8. Wet the paper with a damp sponge and wrap it over the edges of the letters, cover the letters completely in gummed paper. 
9.  If you’re willing to make an “O” keep in mind that it is the trickiest letter to do, I stacked some small pieces of cardboard in between the front and back of the "O" to compensate for the lack of edges. 
















10. Split the tape in half again, to make smaller strips to wrap around the edges of the "O", and then cover these with another strip.Carefully layering the gummed paper to make the surface as smooth as possible, 
They should now look like this: 
11. Now you need to cover the letters with tissue paper to give them an even surface texture.  Paste watered down PVA glue onto the letter and paste more PVA over the top, dabbing the brush so the tissue paper scrunches up a bit, 













12. Leave them to dry then begin painting with white emulsion, 
Leave to dry again, then enjoy the fruits of your labor: 
13. For the final details, you may now add the superhero print over each of the letters adding PVA glue onto the letter so that at the end you could get something like this: 
You can do as many letters as you can, for your name, or a quote or simply one word that gives you power. The most important thing is that you enjoy and believe in your capacities, because if you do, then you can do whatever you want. 
You have the power to do it, then what are you waiting for? 
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