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Love: the way to bring out your inner hero

María Camila Bonilla Camargo 10A


Love is an emotion that can transform even the direst of circumstances into something worth living. It can also change our perception of someone; it is not unheard of that, once somebody is in love, they begin to think of the object of their affections as some kind of godsent miracle. However, one thing is for sure: love can make of all of us heroes. Whether it is adamant affection for a brother or sister, an unbreakable bond between life-long friends or some kind of increasing adoration for someone else, love can make us feel unstoppable, worthy, capable, valuable, alive. It makes the most ordinary of us  extraordinary, it can make us step out of our comfort zones, embrace our true selves and unravel all of our attributes to share them with the world. The true core of love and its inmost truth is that, once individuals experience this unique emotion, they will never be the same. People change people. Love changes people. This reality is constantly portrayed in books, series, real-life situations and movies. Personally, I enjoy all kinds of love-related movies, but, particularly, I’ve come to enjoy the following three.
(500) Days of Summer
I cannot stress enough how much I love this movie. In my opinion, this movie is the complete package: it is genuinely funny, without bordering on cheesy; it is original and very dynamic and it shows love earnestly, with raw intensity, while also keeping it real; believe me when I say that this movie is one of the most relatable love stories I’ve seen and it is deeply touching.



































The Blind Side
However, romantic love is not the only kind of love that exists. The bonds forged within family are some of the strongest in the world. Although one might believe that family is just found with biological and blood-related bonds, a true family can be found, not necessarily when you are born, but much later in life. The Blind Side is a movie based on real-life events that will touch your hearts, make you smile and relish in the warmth that family and love brings. It tells the story of Michael Oher, an impoverished boy who grew up in the streets and his journey in finally getting an education, in becoming a talented football player and in his finding a family and support in the Tuohy family.





















Eat, Pray, Love
One of the things we often forget about, in the haste of forging friendships, romantic relationships and maintaining our family bonds, is ourselves. Sometimes, we are too wrapped up in trying to be perfect, or leading perfect lifestyles, that we undermine our attributes and we forget to take care of ourselves. This movie tells the journey of  Elizabeth Gilbert, a recently divorced woman, who chooses to take some time to find herself; she accomplishes this by travelling to Italy, India and Indonesia, to  in that order, eat, pray and love. This journey turns out to be forever life-altering and, in choosing to take some time off the modern fast-paced world, Elizabeth discovers a few truths. Among these, she understands that the only place she should have searched for happiness in the first place was within herself and that she just truly needed to learn how to let herself live every single day at the fullest, so that she could be capable of living and not just surviving.



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