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She needed a hero so that's what she became...

No matter how young we are or old we get, we are constantly looking for examples to follow in our lives; people that set a path we might tend to follow. Some of us might choose family, while others decide to look up to the world’s wide-known leaders throughout time. Then, there’s also the fact that deep down we have no clue of what is ahead of us in our lives, so we crave for someone to come up to us and tell us that everything is going to be alright, that we have finally found our safe haven. However, the truth is, whether we accept it or not, that such a comfortable, reassuring, confident person we have named “hero” cannot possible exist. No human being can know for sure the outcome of any event, let alone be positive about the fact that you will be happy. Believing that such a person does exist is being completely naïve and foolishly positive, in other words, total madness.

Have we run out of hope? I would rather say that what has really happened is that we have misplaced it. Don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to tell you that there is no sense in having people who inspire you in life, but that, although it is true that heroes might build your wings, they will never make you fly. You must always remember that while the world does not owe you anything you, more than anyone, you owe it to yourself.

It's time to stop waiting around, for this whole time, you were the hero of your own story. Maybe you thought you were too slow or were told that what you were working so hard for didn’t suit you. Well, all those people, including yourself, were wrong. Prove them wrong. All this time waiting kept you from looking around and realizing that people did not come to you, not because they didn’t want to, but because they were too busy trying to save themselves. Quit believing you’re not good enough; sometimes it is the very people who no one expects anything of, who do the things that no one can imagine.

Own it, be your own person. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you; next time you feel you’re too shy or small to change the world remember that not being able to come to the act of small talk does not mean that you do not have huge things to say. Don’t make of yourself the villain whenever you are in need of a hero; turn into one so that when people say “she needed a hero” you can just go ahead and tell them “that’s what I became”.

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