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Be Your Own Hero

Complaints. Sometimes, most of the thoughts we have throughout the day are about things we are uncomfortable with or, simply, negative things. Also, every time something goes wrong, we tend to think it’s our fault and we get discouraged; most of the times because of how old we are and the little experience we might have. However, life at our age shouldn’t be about regretting things or trying to be perfect; life at any age actually is about learning from our mistakes and focusing on the good things.

I’m sure you’ve heard many times that it’s important to learn every single day, from the smallest to the biggest of situations, but sometimes that lesson starts making less and less sense. When this happens don’t despair, just remind yourself that not everything in life is rainbows and butterflies and that what’s important is to face things with a smile on your face. Things are as bad as you want to see them, from time to time it’s good to remind yourself that rough situations have a reason to be, just as calm situations do, they help you discover who you are and, most importantly, who you want to be. Remind yourself every morning that you are allowed to make mistakes and what’s important is that you don’t let anything discourage you so that you can learn all the lessons that life has to teach you.

Now that you know that bad things can’t be that bad, here comes the most crucial part of the equation from where being your own hero is coming from. Drumroll please…see the glass half-full. Looking at the bright side of the story might help you enjoy life a little more; maybe you didn’t win the contest but you were chosen amongst the finalists, maybe you didn’t pass the math test but you excelled in the social studies one. Bad situations are almost always accompanied by better stuff and, even if they’re not, you have to believe in your super power to make things greater. If you are feeling gloomy, do things that make your day brighter. Eat some ice cream, spend time with your friends or family, go shopping; the list is as long as you want it to be. Remember that you are the only one with direct control of your emotions, actions and feelings and, if you have control of that, you can be your own super hero, and make your life a million times happier.

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