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The Concert of a Lifetime

Laura Daniela Briñez Camacho 10A


A crowded audience, joined by a single passion.


As you may know, all school years, we, as an institution, have two days specially dedicated for a cultural week,

and this year wasn’t the exception. The days 4th and 5th of February, Bunkua and the student council, prepared

everything so that these two days would be unforgettable for both the elementary grades and to high school. But

what really made the difference between this cultural week and the others, was the spectacular concert that was

given as a closing event to those two marvelous days full of joy and fun.

And who better for the job than, Morat, a young new band, integrated by four incredible, talented and also hand-

some 20 and 21-year-olds? They have made their way through music, and settled themselves in a high position,

in a very short time.


Alejandro Posada, Simon Vargas, Juan Pablo Isaza and Juan Pablo Villamil have played music since childhood.

They wrote Christmas carols for concerts at their houses and were behind any music-related-matters at school.

They met while composing and playing and, so, they have taken life as it goes, doing what they love.


 Some of their most recognized songs, and also some of the ones they played that day at the concert, include:

1) “Mi Nuevo Vicio”, originally recorded with the famous singer Paulina Rubio.

2) “Cómo  Te Atreves”

3) “Cuánto Me Duele”

4) “Di Que No Te Vas”

5) “En Un Sólo Día”

6) “Una Vez Más”


They all believe in their talent, but they know that, if they want to succeed and continue to fulfill their dreams, they

will  “Have to take the road, because fortune is not found if one is not looking". However, although Alejandro, Si-

mon and both Juan Pablo’s are each time closer to their dream of living for music, they still continue with their ca-

reers, studying architecture, law, business administration and industrial engineering, while some are doing a dou-

ble degree with music at the University of The Andes.


With the rhythm of their songs, a huge number of students from 6th to 11th grade, were moved by the lyrics and

the passion of each one of the songs. Songs that made us shout, till we had no voice left, that made us cry of joy

and that really touched our hearts and souls. Those are the moments when we really feel we all make a part of so-

mething special.


                                                                                                      THE PROOF THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE...

                                                                                                   Natalia Hoyos, a 10th grade student, shared a bit of her

                                                                                                   experience that day. She said that: “I think that this cultu-

                                                                                                   ral week was the proof that, if you fight for what you want,

                                                                                                   one day not so far away, you will achieve your goals. I re-

                                                                                                   member when I was in 6th grade and concerts were pro-                                                                                                                                                                                         bited, not only because of the implements that the singers

                                                                                                   brought, but also because of our behavior. That day, the a-

                                                                                                   greement that was made in order to have concerts again

                                                                                                   at school was to keep our behavior under control and, if

                                                                                                   we hadn’t known how to do it, Morat would have never co-

                                                                                                   me to the school, so thank you girls for controlling yoursel-

                                                                                                   ves and following instructions!

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